Create StarCraft triggers/locations/units with Perl!

This is a module that tries (very hard) to make editing triggers in Perl easy.

mmm hmm, Why?

Being able to create StarCraft triggers in a text-based form has alot of advantages
For example:

Being able to create StarCraft triggers with a programming language has even more
For example:

Is this for ME?

".. my damn arm hurts from making triggers"

If you've said something like this to yourself (or am i the only one who talks to himself?), then it could be.

*click*, *click*, *click*, *click*,
*click*, *click*, *click*, *click*,
*click*, *click*, *click*, *click*,
*click*, *click*, *click*, *click*,
*click*, *click*, *click*, *click*,
*click*, *click*, *click*, *click*,
*zzzz*, *zzZZ*, *ZZZZ*, *snore*,

Please, try my product.

"I've spent so much time with my current triggers / project that I'm really not ready to give up all that work to try this, right now."

Convert your current triggers and keep everything else!


If you are looking for something to click, click here,
if you like typing, and this will require alot, read on.

You need to download and install a Perl interpreter and my module
This page will hopefully help you with getting everything you need.

Check out the basics, a shoddy reference here, or visit my sourceforge project page here.

I'm working on more docs. Logo